入校園請遵守防疫措施(Please follow the epidemic prevention measures when entering the campus)


[Please follow the epidemic prevention measures when you enter the campus] If you have fever, respiratory symptoms, abnormal smell and taste, diarrhea, etc., please do not go to school, work or class, and seek medical treatment or COVID-19 screening as soon as possible.


Take your body temperature at home before enter the campus every day. If you have fever, respiratory symptoms, abnormal smell and taste, diarrhea, etc., please do not go to school, work or class, and seek medical treatment or COVID-19 screening as soon as possible if you have symptoms.


After you enter the campus, take a temperature measurement and log in to the NPUST Epidemic Prevention APP, and log in to the NPUST Epidemic Prevention App when enter and leave different fields.


Please wear a mask during work and class to protect your health and safety of others.


Keep the offices, classrooms and learning areas well ventilated. Use air-conditioning with 15 cm windows open.


Maintain good personal hygiene and keep your hands clean.


Maintain social distancing.


Each class continues to activate the care group notification and dormitory health report mechanism (such as the 109-2 semester implementation method), and the treatment of students’ physical discomfort (abnormal smell and taste, cough or fever, etc.)


If you have fever, respiratory symptoms, abnormal smell and taste, diarrhea and other symptoms, seek medical treatment or screening as soon as possible. Please report to the school health center or school safety center (internal extension: 7611, 7610, 7608, 7119) to implement epidemic prevention.

~~~~You and I are responsible for epidemic prevention; the health center cares about you~~~~